Next week sees the third Monday in January, officially known as Blue Monday.
No, we don’t mean in reference to the New Order Song from 1983, (who remembers that brilliant introduction?), we are referring to the fact that the third Monday in January is officially the most miserable day of the year.
The Christmas festivities are a distant memory, we are still in the middle of winter with long, dark nights that are often cold and damp, and summer seems a lifetime away.
Add to that the Christmas credit card bills that now need to be paid, the fact that pay day is still two weeks away AND the current chaos and uncertainty over Brexit and it’s no wonder people feel a little bit blue!
But is Blue Monday real? Are we really that unhappy? After all, the term ‘Blue Monday’ was coined when a travel company put out a press release, quite possibly well timed to sell more holidays, in 2005 proclaiming a psychologist had apparently discovered the equation that tells us the most gloomy and depressing day of the year, yet many simply call this pseudoscience and completely unproven.
Well whether it is real, or it isn’t, we could all use some positive vibes right now, so if you feel like you need an instant lift, read on!
Music to lift your Mood
Referencing New Order’s Blue Monday was not just because it shares the same title of ‘Blue Monday’.
Music is scientifically proven to have mood enhancing qualities, and in The Study of Positive Psychologyin 2013, it was proved that people who wish to improve their frame of mind could do so by listening to upbeat music for just two weeks.
Even listening to melancholic tunes can offer comfort, as a symbolic tune can offer a substitute after the break up of a relationship, or provide an outlet where your feelings are truly reciprocated.
But here at Your Wellspacewe are not in the business of melancholy, and we personally love anything with a great guitar riff, a thumping beat and superb lyrics that you can sing your heart out to in the shower or in the car! (Who hasn’t done a spot of car dancing and been caught out in a traffic jam? It’s a great stress reliever!).
Of course if you can, playing music in the workplace is also good for morale.
In an article from Business Insider, it was reported that listening to music at work can make you more productive, better at thinking creatively and make it easier to solve problems. So if you are looking for ways to motivate your staff after the Christmas break, having a radio in the office is a good start!

Exercise to Ease Stress
Another great way to release a load of positive endorphins in to your blood stream is to get physically active!
It is all too easy to stay sat down all day at work, then go home at night and sit down in front of the television, and in 2017, The British Heart Foundation produced a significant report stating that around 20 Million people in the UK, (39% of the population!), do not meet the government recommendations for physical activity.
This kind of sedentary lifestyle can lead to all sorts of health related issues, including potentially life limiting diseases such as obesity, heart disease and poor circulation.
For employers, this means it is fast becoming part of the overall business plan to engage in an employee wellness program.
Moreover, in this recent article by Forbes, looking after your employee’s health and wellbeing is no longer considered a luxury, but more of a necessity in order to maintain a positive and productive workplace culture.
Not only will a Corporate Wellness Culture reduce your HR costs considerably through improved staff retention, fewer days lost to sickness or lower recruitment costs, but it will also encourage the best talent in your particular sector to apply to work for you, and will improve productivity and performance.
As part of this culture encouraging your employees to take part in exercise is a good way of firstly tackling the sedentary lifestyle trap so many of us fall in to, and secondly, it demonstrates a commitment to your workforce as a caring, compassionate employer, who values their employees.
If you are struggling to motivate your staff in to going for a run or a brisk walk at lunch time, why not consider signing the company up for a charity event? There are literally loads taking place across the country, and as most of them take place in the warmer summer months you have plenty of time to prepare and get fit beforehand!
If you are still struggling to get people outdoors, why not encourage exercises to do at your workstation? Even ten minutes per day can be beneficial, and remember, starting off with ten minutes doesn’t mean to say you can’t do more as your team starts to see the benefits from being active!
Plan an Event Day
The possibilities here are endless.
You could take your team off for paintballing, a Segway day, hot air ballooning or even zorbing. There really are unlimited options, although these can often be expensive, are one off events and are sometimes not particularly inclusive, not everybody thinks it’s a great idea hurtling at speed down a hill in a giant, inflatable clear ball!

Contact us
So if you would like any advice to support your employees health and wellbeing, or if you feel that our corporate wellness programme can have a positive impact on your working environment, then why not contact us here for more information, or call us on 0808 178 0748 where one of our expert team will be delighted to chat to you.