Starting a new job at any point in life and your professional career can make you feel overwhelmed or intimidated. Doing so during a pandemic can heighten those feelings and compound them further. So, how do I start a new job during a pandemic?

The good news is, you’ve landed yourself a job in the midst of a pandemic that has put millions out of work!

Depending on your company’s policy and rules surrounding COVID, you may or may not be meeting your fellow co-workers for… quite some time.

The ongoing pandemic has completely transformed the way organisations operate. To minimise the spread of COVID-19, companies have opted for a remote working approach.

For new employees, unfortunately, with the best technology, you simply cannot replicate the face-to-face experience or in-person communication.

With that being said, new employees are faced with multiple challenges they haven’t had to encounter before. In today’s blog we’re going to explore, how do I start a new job during a pandemic and share some tips to make the process easier for you.

Tips For Starting A New Job During A Global Pandemic

Working from home has quickly become the new normal, which means new employees aren’t getting introduced around the company as you once would – they’re at home in front of your webcam on zoom.

Maybe you’ll end up back in the office someday.

One thing we would advise is don’t be discouraged. People who have started during the pandemic have said working from home is pretty similar to that of the office. It just requires more work, patience, and good humour – from both parties.

Get to know your colleagues

Building rapport with fellow colleagues is an important part of starting a new position. However, in the new normal that we find ourselves in, it could take a little more effort.

Brownlee recommends you schedule at least 30 minutes of pure networking each week you’re new. Do so first with the people you directly work with, such as your manager and your peers.

Internal networking is integral to your progression and career, after a few months, consider hearing from someone who has been in the company for years. Essentially employees outside of your immediate team, so you can understand the company better.

There won’t be any awkward shuffling over to the desk making a reason to bother them, everything is planned and in the comfort zone of all parties.


Create a space and develop a routine

Dan Black, global recruiting leader as the consulting firm EY, says it can be worthwhile having a workspace from home. Refresh your surroundings where you’ll physically work from home, whether you’re setting up for the first time or just adding a fresh touch.

“It can help you psychologically start with a new set of eyes”

Ask your employer if they offer a stipend to help you with creating a remote workspace as a number of companies have created one-time allowances to fulfil the shift to working from home.

In the office on your first week, you would have meetings scheduled where everyone has the same break so you could integrate yourself into the team. With people juggling home life with work it’s much harder to facilitate.

Create your own routine, pencil your breaks in and allow a period for you to exercise. Developing a routine will help you feel more in control and in essence more at home with your new surroundings.

Ask Questions

During the traditional first week, employees may feel anxious about asking questions and this becomes more of a task when remote working. It’s important to ask questions early and often.

This demonstrates your enthusiasm about starting your new position.

Prioritise the most important questions, don’t overwhelm your team with a thousand and one questions as they might feel overwhelmed with all the changes and all.

It’s natural to fear the unknown, just tell yourself you aren’t uncertain, you’re just curious about many things.

Understand Expectation And Track Your Progress

At the end of your first week/day, you don’t need to worry about being good enough for the job or whether they hired the correct person.

Lower your expectation of yourself.

Your team know that you’re adjusting to a different way of working, they’re all figuring out their roles in a new space too.

Things can easily fall through the cracks during remote work. Keeping track of your progress builds credibility but most importantly confidence. Make your boss/manager aware of your progress during your daily/weekly check-ins.

Go above and beyond when handling your work, give your thoughts and feedback on your tasks, ask questions and generally engage with it.

Both you and your boss will remain on the same page.

“You can’t just do a good job now,” Ms Everett said. “You’ve got to visibly do a good job”

Helping You Start A New Job

I hope we’ve answered the question ‘How do I start a new job during a pandemic’ If you’re looking for more information about the solutions, we offer here at Wellspace, contact us. Alternatively, for additional advice and tips, head over to our news page.

Our Wellness application allows employees to track their physical and mental wellbeing in a safe place. Our Wellspace Portal tailors’ activities from this data to sustainably improve

your overall health and wellbeing, whether that be at work, or in everyday life.

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