Many forward thinking organisations are now choosing a wellbeing programme to compliment their business, and are building the costs in to their annual financial reports, offsetting any investment against the money saved on absenteeism and lost productivity.

So how do you choose a wellbeing programme to suit your organisation? Read on to find out more….

According to the Centre for Mental Health, mental health problems at work cost the U.K economy a staggering £34.9 billion last year. 10 years ago, in 2007, this figure was around £26 billion, highlighting an increase of almost £10 billion over this 10-year period, or to break it down further, this is equivalent to £1300 per employee in the U.K economy.

Besides the human and the financial impact, the effect this continuing increase of mental health problems at work has on productivity is of course particularly negative, and unless employers act to buck this trend it can only be expected that this situation will get worse.

It is becoming increasingly recognised that encouraging ‘positive wellbeing’ in the workplace is beneficial to employees and employers alike. Having a culture that inspires health and wellness amongst the workforce is good for overall health, self-esteem, personal motivation and ultimately, productivity amongst personnel.

choosing a wellbeing programme image of two people at a laptop writing on paper


What are the benefits of a Corporate Wellbeing Programme?


The benefits of a Wellbeing programme in the workplace are so much more than purely financial.

By reviewing health and safety and implementing policies that reflect a commitment towards overall health and wellbeing, productivity will increase, overheads will decrease, and staff retention will improve.

That unhealthy staff have more time off sick is obvious. Often, staff don’t have time to look after themselves, don’t want to, or don’t know how to. That is their prerogative, or course, but nudging or encouraging your teams to take better care of themselves supports your business in many ways.

Staff who sleep well, are aware of their mental wellbeing, and are properly nourished have more energy, resilience, and vigour, so will be productive with fewer absences.

They will feel valued because you are taking an interest in their life and health so will become more loyal to your business.

An employee wellbeing programme will make your staff healthier, happier, and more productive.


Choosing a Wellbeing Programme-What to Look For


image of doughnuts to illustrate making healthy choicing and choosing a wellbeing programme


There are a few key things to look for when choosing a wellbeing programme. There are lots of providers and app owners out there, but they aren’t all created equally.

The first thing you want to look for is how well they will assess your current activities. It is no good having a one size fits all corporate wellbeing programme because no two companies are the same. You may already have a programme of sorts, you may not. You may work in an area where it is safe and possible to walk around at lunch time, or you may not. You may have staff with specific needs who need a truly bespoke plan. Whatever your specific arrangements, an appraisal is the right place to start.

Then, you want a wellbeing provider who combines technology with more old-fashioned methods. Here at Wellspace, for example, we blend new technology with environmental resources, such as posters and stickers. This ensures your team are motivated and engaged in their own wellbeing throughout their day, even when their phone is in their pocket.

A great wellbeing programme provider will also offer training delivered by experts. As mentioned, your most hard to reach staff may not know what they are doing that is damaging their mental or physical health. Giving them some hints and tips will go a long way in improving their overall wellness.

A wellbeing provider who is going to have the best results understands that true wellbeing involves nutrition, exercise, sleep, and mental wellbeing. Focusing on just one or two of those elements without considering how they interact and how healthy habits form around these points means the longevity and effectiveness of the programme is in jeopardy.

Finally, you should be looking for a wellbeing programme provider who rewards effort, not activity. Not everyone is going to be able to walk miles a day or get 10 hours of sleep each night. Wellspace Rewards, for example, can be dished out for those who consistently engage with the programme and make a commitment to their wellbeing.


woman stretching in tracksuit to represent blog by Wellspace on choosing a wellbeing programme


What does a Wellspace Wellbeing Programme Involve?

It’s important that before investing in the health and wellbeing of any organisation, understanding the culture and the staff habits are addressed first and foremost. Here at Wellspace, our team of experts and qualified professionals are well equipped to carry out an initial workplace wellness appraisal.

We have a set of 5 key principles that we work towards including Leadership, Data, Culture, Environment and Opportunity.

Working closely with HR, we examine current policies to see how well they support wellbeing in the workplace, we assess the current culture and the existing health and wellbeing needs of the workforce, and we look at the barriers within the workplace environment and how these can be overcome.

Using the Wellspace App and the Portal, we record the data entered by your teams and demonstrate how this can be used effectively to support employees by providing a culture built around health and wellbeing.

Furthermore, Wellspace can offer training centred around behaviour change, handling stress in the working environment, how to switch to a healthy diet and how to increase your energy output to support your drive towards a healthier workforce.


The Impact of a Wellbeing Programme


All of these positive steps will help the workplace culture soon become healthier, more optimistic, improve staff wellbeing and reduce the number of days lost through sickness and ill health.

Productivity and output will increase, as employees become more committed through feeling better valued at work and enjoy being part of a culture that puts them at the centre of the organisation’s philosophy towards business.

As Camille Preston writes in Forbes, ‘promoting employee happiness benefits everyone’ so by engaging with staff and fostering meaningful relationships through health and wellbeing the whole organisation will benefit. Rather than seeing uncomfortable annual figures relating to production lost through employee absenteeism due to ill health, the impact will be one of progressive gains.


Contact us


So, if you are feeling encouraged to introduce a wellbeing programme in to your organisation, and you can see the benefits this would create for everybody, then why not contact us here for more information, or call us on 0808 178 0748 where one of our expert team will be delighted to chat to you.

We can offer specialist advice on a wide variety of health topics and how to support your own organisation, and we have years of experience and a depth of knowledge that you can draw from to make the most of the programme becoming a long-term solution to the health and wellbeing of your workforce.