As an employee, office manager, human resources worker or anyone who has a duty of care to several members of staff, then your employee’s wellness should always be one of your top priorities. But can you really improve employee wellness with healthy snacks?

If your employees are unhappy at work, then this can affect productivity and know ones to work when they are feeling stressed or fed up. This might only seem like a minor thing to start with, but over time your employees may become overwhelmed or even depressed and having to work in an environment that doesn’t help them can make things a lot worse.

You don’t have to make any massive changes to the workplace in order to keep your employee’s wellness up, but just making a few little changes improvements can have a massive impact how your employees feel, and this can help improve the overall mood and productivity of your workers.

Improving Employee Wellness With Healthy Snacks

Healthy food is a great way to boost worker morale and make sure that your employees are getting a healthy snack instead of something that might not be good for them. Get rid of those unhealthy vending machines and opt for a more healthy option like fresh fruit that is available to all.

Better yet, provide your employees with a free healthy breakfast every morning. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant, but a healthy continental breakfast is a cheap way to make sure that everyone is starting today with a full stomach.

Breakfast is proven to help body and brain function and it’s a great way to welcome your employees into work and make sure they are getting a balanced healthy breakfast.

Plus, banishing the biscuits will help staff avoid that mid-afternoon mental slump. By snacking on nuts, fruit and rice cakes, your team will be energised throughout the day.

Whatsmore, you will be benefitting their immunity by helping them get their 5 a day!

A woman sat at her desk working from her laptop eating from a selection of fruit.How Else Can I Improve Employee Wellness?

There are lots of little ways to help improve employee and they don’t need to be expensive or extravagant. Just a few changes here and there to your workplace can help improve employee wellness dramatically.

Try Brightening Up The Office

No one likes having to come in every day and sit in a grey drab office People need colour and brightness to help stimulate the mind and sometimes Being surrounded by bare white walls can be a hindrance. Try adding a splash of colour to the office or maybe add an office plant or two to help brighten up the office.

Try using a wellness app

Sometimes we just need to stop and take a moment to think about our wellness. Try using a wellness app and make it accessible to your employees. Our wellness app can help introduce good and healthy habits into the workplace, like reminding your employees to take a break now and then and teaching them how to do calming activities like mindful breathing.

Encourage Your, Employees, To Get Fit

There is a definite link between physical fitness and mental health. Try to encourage your employees to think about their physical health and get fit, you can do this by encouraging or rewarding employees who walk and cycle to walk or encouraging them to work out during their breaks or after work.

Take your employees physical health into consideration

Remember to think about your employee’s overall health. Some employees might find they are more comfortable proved theme with hand-sanitiser or other precarious. It might be a good idea to pay for or subsidize people’s flu vaccinations as well, this way it is one less thing for you workers to worry about and you can make sure your worker can fight the flu.

Remember to reward your employees

You need to reward your employees for a job well done. This can have a great positive effect on them and encourage them to work harder. You can try introducing an employee reward scheme or schedule little treats and events throughout the year to keep up morale. Not everything has to be a reward and it’s important to provide your employee with other little things throughout the year, like healthy snacks, that help keep them happy and healthy

Contact Us

Why not contact us today to see how you can control your wellbeing with our workplace app. Or email We will be happy to help you!

Alternatively, for tips, advice or other employee-related information, visit our news page.