For most of us, our job is a huge part of our life. The workplace is where we spend much of our time, which is why its crucial to look after our workplace wellbeing.
We all have times when life gets on top of us, and our job can often be the cause of this or can at least add to it.
If you want to be healthy and happy both at home and within your workplace, you need to put self-care first. Self-care is a skill that should be integrated into your everyday life, including when you’re at work.
If you struggle to look after your workplace wellbeing, it is always best to start with something small. Make a small positive change each day until it becomes a daily habit. Gradually integrating positive changes into your workday is an effective way of improving your self-care and look after your workplace wellbeing.
Here are our top tips for looking after your wellbeing at work…
Talk To Someone About Your Workplace Wellbeing
If something is on your mind or your workload is starting to get overwhelming, the best thing to do is talk to someone about it.
Unfortunately, none of us are superhumans. Its completely normal to feel overwhelmed at times and if your workload is getting on top of you, it can affect your productivity and have an impact on your workplace wellbeing and overall health.
Talking to someone and getting things off your chest is an effective way to relive workplace stress. So, tell your manager that you are struggling with your workload or ask a colleague for help.
Improve Workplace Wellbeing By Getting Active
Exercise is a key element of a healthy lifestyle and can positively impact workplace wellbeing. Unfortunately, many of us work in an office environment which requires a lot of sitting around.

If you work in an office, try to integrate physical activity into your daily routine. Regular exercise can improve workplace wellbeing and can make a huge difference to your health.
Suggest walking meetings as this will increase productivity and boost energy. Also, use your lunch break as an opportunity to exercise by going for a walk to jog.
Exercising before work is a great way to ease you into the working day. Perhaps walk, cycle or jog to work as this is a simple way to build up fitness, strength and stamina. If you get public transport to work, get off a couple of stops before your destination and walk the rest of the way.
Alternatively, exercising after work will create a positive space between work time and personal time. Perhaps take part in an exercise class in the area or join the local gym.
Improve Workplace Wellbeing By Eating Well
A healthy diet is good for both your physical and mental health. Maintaining a healthy diet at work as well as at home isn’t always easy but is vital for your wellbeing.
Try to plan your work meals and make healthy lunches with plenty of fruit, veg and protein. If you have shop-bought lunches, be mindful of the ingredients and aim for a healthier option.
Always make sure to eat away from your desk so that you can enjoy your meal and take your mind off your work for a short period of time. Having a break from your desk will lift your mood and improve your workplace wellbeing.
Swap the fizzy drinks and coffee for water! Drink plenty of water throughout the day and if you are particularly stressed or are feeling low, try to cut down on caffeine and refined sugars. If you enjoy snacking throughout the day, opt for fruit or nuts rather than unhealthy, sugary snacks.
Also, try to get outside for lunch as it’s a great opportunity to flex your joints, boost blood circulation, and allow for mental recharging and reflection.
Build Friendships Within The Workplace
The workplace is often where we make some of our closest friends. Working in a supportive team with people you consider friends is an effective way to improving your workplace wellbeing.
So, invite a colleague to have lunch with you or perhaps plan an after-work exercise class together. Making the effort to chat to your colleagues during your breaks and taking an interest in their life can help you build relationships.

Working within a positive office atmosphere will uplift your mood and improve your wellbeing at work and at home.
However, some people find it difficult to make friends in the workplace. If you haven’t yet managed to build friendships within the workplace, try to maintain your friendships and family relationships outside of work as these can be particularly helpful when work is tense.
Tidy Your Workspace To Improve Your Workplace Wellbeing
It may seem simple but having a tidy workspace can have a positive impact on your workplace wellbeing. So, de-clutter your workspace!
Ensure your desk is tidy and not littered with empty food wrappers, rubbish or dirty mugs. Organise any documents into the correct folders so that you can find what you need quickly and efficiently. Regularly tidy the space surrounding your desk and get rid of any clutter.
Perhaps add a living plant to your desk as they cleanse the air and boost productivity. Also, if you can, open a window. Fresh can do you a world of good.
Improving Your Workplace Wellbeing By Taking Regular Breaks
If you’re working to a deadline, it can be difficult to make the time to leave your desk and take a break. But having regular breaks is important for your workplace wellbeing!
A break doesn’t mean scrolling through Facebook whilst still sat at your desk. Try to get away from your desk, perhaps go for a walk, sit in the break room with a book, or listen to a podcast. Focus on something that will give both your mind and body a break from being sat at the desk.
Outside of work, think bigger. Plan regular breaks that will allow you to relax and rejuvenate. Perhaps plan a weekend away or a holiday so that you have something positive to look forward to.
Improve Your Workplace Wellbeing By Planning For The Week
Spending half an hour each Monday morning planning your work week can have an incredibly positive knock on affect.
At the beginning of each week, check your calendar to see if you have any upcoming meetings, scheduled phone calls or deadlines that week. Then, set about prioritising your workload and create a to-do list for the week that you can refer to and tick off.

Remember to block any time you have set aside for meetings and try not to cram your to-do list with too much work as this will cause unnecessary stress and not allow time for breaks.
Knowing what your goals are for the day will ensure a positive start to each work day and will improve workplace wellbeing and your wellbeing overall.
Contact Wellspace
If you want to find out more about ways you can look after your workplace wellbeing, then simply get in touch with Wellspace today.
Wellspace are the leading experts in workplace wellness, so we can help you deal with your workplace stress and make sure it doesn’t take over your life.