Since the pandemic, and the return to the office for some, there has been a lot of talk regarding workplace wellness. This blog aims to uncover some of the key workplace wellness statistics in 2022.

It’s important to analyse workplace wellness as an entity over time and how it has changed over previous years. That way we can discuss what is happening now in 2022 and what still needs to improve in the world of work and its relationship with wellbeing.

To get a clear understanding of workplace wellness; what it is, why it’s important and how to achieve it, we produced Part One and Part Two of our workplace wellness ultimate guide. This article is here to back up those findings with some facts and figures on the subject.

After all, you can’t manage something that you can’t measure.

Title graphic for Wellspace blog about employee wellbeing during pandemicThe Pandemic And Workplace Wellness

Over the last two years, workplace wellness has been a topic of conversation more than ever before due to the detrimental effects the Coronavirus pandemic largely had on wellbeing.

Whether workplaces returned to the office or adapted to the new style of remote working. Employee wellbeing moved further up employers’ agenda within many companies.

During the pandemic, 9 in 10 young people reported that loneliness has made their mental health worse during the pandemic.

55% of adults and young people were worried about seeing people against once restrictions were eased.

1 in 5 adults didn’t seek support for their mental health during the Covid pandemic.

These facts from Mind, make it so clear the overall effect that Coronavirus and isolation had on peoples mental well-being, a huge factor that affects the overall workplace wellness.

The furlough scheme during the pandemic saw 11.6 million jobs supported across the UK.

Since coming out of the pandemic, and many returning to work, lots of workplaces have changed the way they work – some adopting WFH as a standard.

67% felt more disconnected from their colleagues when working from home. And so it’s even more important that employers prioritise workplace wellness and check in on employees who are working remotely.

Corporate MeetingWorkplace Wellness Statistics 2022

There are a number of factors that affect workplace wellness.


There are several statistics that allude to the effect stress has on workplace wellness.

More than half of respondents said they often have 12-hour workdays, and an equal amount frequently skip lunch because of job stress and demands.

33,3% of customer service personnel report regularly feeling emotional exhaustion after work.

41% of workers said stress made them less productive, 33% said it made them less engaged, and 15% admitted to looking for a new job because of stress.

Anxiety And Depression

Depression and anxiety in the workplace are other issues that affect workplace wellness.

Depression ranks among the top three workplace problems.

Depression or anxiety accounted for 50% of all work-related ill-health.

Evidence suggests that 12.7% of all sickness absence days in the UK can be attributed to mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety.

Financial Wellbeing

When we talk about well-being, we encompass one’s physical, mental, emotional, financial, and social health, the list really does go on. There have been many statistics regarding financial well-being.

Over 1.5 million people in the UK are experiencing both problem debt and mental health problems.

Almost 40% of people with a mental health problem say their financial situation worsens their mental health problems.

Financial wellbeing impacts performance in work.

Workplace Wellness Trends 2022

Sure, the facts tell us there are still many ways in which workplace wellness is being affected. Luckily, however, with this comes new workplace wellness trends. There are ways in which we can share responsibility for workplace wellness and benefit corporate wellbeing!

It’s fair to say that in 2021/22, self-care and employee wellbeing seemed to have been prioritised, with more and more employers taking proactive steps into improving the wellness of their workplaces.

Looking after employees’ sleep, physical health and mental health are all ways in which individuals find a work-life balance and strive towards corporate wellbeing.

Tackling workplace wellness needs to be done holistically, that way life and work become connected for employees and they can find a common ground for wellness.

Further reading: Wellbeing Apps For Employees.

The message is made clear with these workplace wellness statistics, it is now, more than ever vitally important to prioritise workplace wellness. For one reason, to repair the damage done by the pandemic but also to improve the lives of employees and the structure of your business going forward.

Get In Touch

Don’t want to become another statistic? Want to make a change and work towards achieving workplace wellness in your business? Get in touch!

Call us on 0808 178 0748

Alternatively, drop us a line at

Our team are devoted to achieving workplace wellness in organisations across the globe. The workplace application and portal are ways in which you can implement a culture of well-being at work. Talk to our team and book your demo!