Corporate wellness is a hot topic. You might think that the wellbeing of your staff is up to them and not your responsibility. But when workplace wellbeing is proven to reduce absenteeism, increase productivity, improve retention, and foster a happy, healthy culture, why wouldn’t you want to get involved?

Looking after your employee’s health doesn’t have to be onerous or intrusive. Sometimes it is just about giving them the time and tools to encourage them to look after their own health at work, and at home.

September 22nd is World Car free Day, so in honour of that we are looking at easy ways you can encourage your employees to walk more.

Why is Corporate Wellness Important?


The average adult spends at least 1/3 of their life at work and it can have an enormous impact on their wellbeing.

Think about it.

How many times has work caused you to lay awake at night worrying, been distracted at home, comfort ate, skipped a workout, argued with a loved one, or drained your energy?

The physical and emotional impact of work can be enormous and affects not only the employee, but also the business.

Time off with physical or emotional illnesses places a burden on colleagues, and a stressful work environment decreases productivity and leads to a higher turnover. Plus, industries talk and getting a reputation as being an unpleasant place to work means hiring staff is harder if turnover and stress is high.

In this blog on our corporate wellness programme, we examined the rise of employee perks and how they help you recruit and keep the best staff.


Encouraging Walking At Work-Top Tips


Looking after your employee’s health and wellbeing might be as simple encouraging your staff to take more steps, especially as sitting is hailed by some as being the new smoking; i.e.: it is very bad for you.

Sitting for too long has bene linked to musculoskeletal and vascular conditions and can even decrease life expectancy, as this article from the NHS, and this slightly more dramatic one from CNN point out.

Improving your corporate wellness by encouraging your staff to take more steps is easy with our handy guide.

Infographic from wellspace on corporate wellness and increasing the step count at work


Get in Touch

If you would like more helpful advice, or to hear more about our corporate wellness programme, get in touch with us here, or by emailing, or by calling 0808 178 0748.